31: Essential time-tested tools to boost your business

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#31: Time tested tools to boost your business
The Ideal Life Club Podcast

One of the questions I get asked the most is "what tools do you use in your business?"

...and I have to admit I tend to gravitate towards those types of posts and podcast episodes myself too - I’m a productivity nerd for sure - so I thought that in today’s episode I would walk you through the main tools that I use day in day out in my business to improve my productivity, to manage my sales and service processes and help me manage my content, namely this podcast and my social media channels.

But I also know just how easy it is to get all gooey-eyed over NEW tools or apps for your business. I’ve definitely been there, getting all excited about a new tool that I think is going to make ALL the difference to a system or process in my business - hello shiny tool syndrome!

So I'm also sharing my 5 tips for managing shiny tool syndrome so it doesn’t distract you from your key priorities, and for evaluating whether a tool is right for you.

Links mentioned in this episode


32: Talking business with YouTube star Maggy Woodley


30: From Career Break to Award-Winning with Rebecca Newenham