38: How to ace your first radio interview like a pro

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#38: Top tips to ace your first radio interview like a pro
The Ideal Life Club Podcast

Congratulations you've got your first radio interview! Now what..?

When I was thinking about what to talk about on today’s podcast, I had a look through my most read content on the website and I got a bit of a shock when I saw what one of the most popular posts was about - can you guess? Not how to overcome mindset issues, become more confident or smash your goals, all topics you might expect, but a post I wrote with my top tips for how to ace your first radio interview. 

Now clearly appearing on the radio is great for raising your profile and can do wonders for your business, but nevertheless, I was a bit surprised that this post got so much attention. 

But then I remembered how I felt when I first appeared on the radio. Back then I was a full-time writer and blogger and the face of the Noom healthy living mobile app and I was interviewed about the app on a popular local radio show. I was so excited to get the call inviting me to appear on the programme but once that excitement died down, the nerves started kicking in for sure. Appearing on the radio can be a daunting experience - after all, you’re entering the homes of thousands of people LIVE – a real privilege and a fantastic opportunity to get the message out about your product, your service, your client or your blog, but also the potential to turn a lot of potential clients, customers or readers off.

So I thought it would be fun and hopefully useful to share my tips for how to prepare for your first radio interview in today’s show. And even if you’ve done a few radio appearances, there will probably be a few tips in here that you can use too.

Links mentioned in this episode


39: Becoming a classical success with Joanna Forest


37: Showing up every day with actor Lisa Tyrrell