40: 3 'take-now' foundation steps for success

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#40: 3 take-now foundation steps for success
The Ideal Life Club Podcast

12 days to Christmas... is it time to hibernate?

Wow, just 12 days until Christmas. And while I don’t have a partridge in a pear tree in this week's episode, I do have a gift of sorts for you.

I really do love this time of year actually, especially the promise of a new year coming up and planning ahead for all the fun things I want to do in my business. (2020 success... yes please!)

But there is a natural tendency, I think, for us to start going into hibernation mode in December. Now don’t get me wrong, I do love the feeling of hunkering down, sitting in front of a fire, relaxing and daydreaming about what's going to be exciting in the upcoming year and all those goals and plans. But I also want to suggest that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s too late for you to do anything productive over the next few weeks.

You still have a great opportunity to lay the foundations for your future success. So in today's episode, I’m sharing 3 steps you can take right now, before 2020 begins, to kick that off.


41: PR power with Caroline Macdonald


39: Becoming a classical success with Joanna Forest